Emilia, a rebellious young woman, is sent to a convent by her father. Her arrival unleashes paranormal manifestations within herself and the residents. Strange things begin to happen inside the facility and dark secrets begin to surface....
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Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace
When an Iraq War veteran receives a calling from a higher power, he embarks on a mission to stop a fallen angel from raising an army of the dead to take over the world.
Last Night on Earth
Faced with the impending destruction of Earth by a planet-killing asteroid, a couple spend their last days together in the Tennessee mountains. But the breakdown in civilization disrupts their plans for a peaceful end....
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Black Gold
Cole was killed delivering drugs for Bones, a local drug king pin, and now his brother Jay has to clear his debts. The streets have different rules and now Jay fights to survive when he loses the money meant to pay off his dead brother's debt....
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